CatBus;372151 Wrote: 
> Supported yes, proven no.  Pat's position is that you should doubt until
> you see evidence.  Credible evidence may very well exist, but he hasn't
> seen it.
> I'll assume the best from this comment.  It's possible to reach the
> correct conclusion via a nonscientific method, and nobody disputes
> that.  For example, I'll say that you're 6 feet tall.  Absolutely
> unscientific, but I might just be right.  Science is a yardstick.  I
> can't convince anyone else that I'm right without it.  Science isn't
> about always being right, it's about being independently verifiable so
> that you can know when you're wrong.
> Scientists use the scientific method so that others can show exactly
> how they are wrong.  In this day and age, when someone does not use the
> scientific method, it is often precisely because they do not wish to be
> shown how wrong they are.Thanks for those comments, I was composing my own 
> response but decided
against it.  I'm glad I did as you conveyed my thoughts better then I
would have, and without my snarky overtone. :)


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