ar-t;373205 Wrote: 
> So, yes, I realise that just because someone says that they hear a
> difference does not really mean that they do.

Good anecdote - and FYI that experiment has been done many times,
always with that same result (and not just in audio; that kind of thing
is the bread-and-butter of cognitive psychology experiments).  Basically
if you ask someone "which sounds better" they're going to try their
hardest to hear a difference just to live up to the task, and most of
the time they'll "succeed".

Actually that's one reason ABX is superior to AB.  In ABX, you know for
sure X is either A or B, so you can focus on just trying to figure out
which one X sounds closer to (and even then it's still easy to fool
yourself).  In AB (as in, "which do you prefer, A or B?") the question
you're asked is more vague and open-ended, which makes it easier for
your brain to get in your way like that.

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