There is a releated discussion here
(See bullet #7) about A/B testing which claims it's extreamly difficult
because of how the brain works.

Later in thread he gives a great visual example of how your brain works
and it goes like this. He puts a slide up on a projector that is blurry
and you cannot quite make out what the image is. Then he puts up a
slightly sharper slide of the same image. Now everyone can see a
dalmatian dog in the image. Now he puts the original slide back up that
nobody could see the dalmatian in and now everyone can easily see it.
That's because your brain learned what cues were important and once
learned you filter out all the distractions and focus on the
information important to you.

When doing audio if you hear some subtle effect like the placement of
an instrument on the "Better" system you will hear it on the "Less
Better" system just as well. The more you A/B the more it will sound
the same !!!

My feeling is pure redbook CD (if working properly) and served music
(if working properly) sounds exactly the same. I certainly enjoy served
music more because I can find what I'm in the mood for MUCH more
quickly. Each can be enhanced through DSP (dither, upsampling, room
correction etc.).


XP > Cat5 > Transporter > SPDIF > Meridian G68 > DSP6000, DSP5500HC,
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian DSP5000
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian G91 > DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (
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