bhr1439;377315 Wrote: 
> Hi, I'm the original poster on this thread.  Thanks for the thoughtful
> comments, everyone.
> First off, I appreciate Phil Leigh's insights; he pointed out two
> potential mechanisms that could potentially generate an audible
> difference, reminding me that that both paths start with the optical
> disc.  That is
> path A: optical disc --> Nakamachi CD player optical pickup subsystem
> --> decoding and error correction (single pass)--> synchronous
> bitstreams --> S/PDIF waveform encoding --> TacT 2.1S processor -->
> Mark Levinson 360S DAC
> path B: optical disc --> computer CD-ROM drive optical pickup subystem
> --> decoding and error correction (with optical drive retry, if needed)
> --> harddrive --> S/PDIF waveform encoding --> TacT 2.1S processor -->
> Mark Levinson 360S DAC
> Path B will likely generate the more accurate data, as it can retry
> reading bad data, wheras it's typical for a CD player to "press on
> regardless" and use tricks such as interpolation to bridge over known
> bad data.  Different data means different audio, and it's reasonable to
> think that more accurate data will correspond to a more appealing aural
> impression. 
> As a previous poster suggested, recording and comparing S/PDIF data
> should be able to confirm or reject the hypothesis path B data being a
> more reliable representation of the music. What I would expect to see
> is rock solid repeatability in the S/PDIF stream originating in the
> server, and run-to-run variability in the datastream originating from
> the CD player.  Now, if only I had an S/PDIF recorder...    
> Another point Phil makes is that path A has potential for a noisier
> S/PDIF signal, due to EMI from the CD player's electromechanical
> components.  Noisier S/PDIF signal can result in increased jitter in
> the recovered data clock, and increased DAC clock jitter is known to
> make for a less pleasing aural experience. 
> JezA strongly suggests that I try taking my TacT processor out of the
> path and seeing if that makes a difference.  That's a reasonable
> troubleshooting experiment, and I will try that as opportunity permits.
> I don't expect a difference, though.  That's because I'm using the Tact
> processor in digital-in / digital-out mode and there never is any D/A
> conversion occurring inside the box.  True, there is clock recovery
> happening as part of the conversion from S/PDIF waveform back to
> digital data stream for processing, but I do not expect that jitter is
> affecting the integrity of the bit stream content (i.e., I do not
> expect misclocking of data and changed data words -- this would be
> HIGHLY audible as impulsive pops in the audio when it is converted to
> analog downstream).  Also, the Mark Levinson 360S employs a FIFO buffer
> and locally generated clock that obviates the S/PDIF waveform (generated
> at the output of the TacT) as a source of clock jitter. 
> So, no smoking gun yet that confirms or refute my impression, but at
> least there's a plausible (to me) hypothesis on what's going on.  
> --Steve

Steve - as a small aside the  high-quality ASRC chips in the TACT are
indeed doing a D-A-D process internally in order to change the sample
rate and bit depth  in realtime to 24-bit/184kHz for the internal DRC
process. You can find in-depth discussions of the mechanics and
implications of these chips elsewhere (Google).

This is basically where the jitter-sensitivity comes in; even though it
seems to be an entirely digital isn't.

Changing the TACT PSU and using adequate 1.5m spdif cables (the length
is important) all help. 

But this is off-topic. The issue I thought we were discussing can be
restated as "Do transports sound different - and why could the SB
transport be "better" than a CD mech?". The TACT is a red herring in
this discussion!.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods)- Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters,
Kimber & Chord cables
Outdoors: Boombox+Creative Sub (If I remember to turn it on...)
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