Themis;378602 Wrote: 
> Well, I did the experiment the other day with a high-end (expensive,
> that is) dac: Audiomat Maestro (5500 euros). 
> In my opinion, at this point, there's not enough difference (translate:
> near to none) with a more modestly-priced dac (my Northstar, for
> instance). It seems as if the SB3 "limits" the performance of the dac.
> Similar listening sessions of some acquaintances (with a Lavry DA2002
> (8500$) and with other similarly-priced dacs) come to the same
> conclusion: there's a clear difference between an SB3 and a high-end CD
> transport.
> So, I could be mistaken, but I ended up coming to the conclusion that,
> beyond the 1500-2000$ limit you'll need a Transporter to get out the
> most of (and justify) the coupling with an expensive separate dac.
> Perhaps it's just a problem of clock, who knows. Note that I'm talking
> about the stock SB3.
> But, mid-priced dacs continue to evolve, and, who knows, probably in a
> couple of years the situation may change, with SB4...

Thanks for the comparisons. I think the effect that your hearing which
"limits" the performance of an SB3/mega-buck DAC combo is really the
limitation of the red book CD itself, i.e. 16 bit / 44.1 kHz output.
Higher resolution material (e.g. 24/96) should sound better than the
standard 16/44.1 material.

Nonetheless, I would still be interested in hearing how the
SB3/mega-buck DAC combo compares against a mega-buck CD
transport/mega-buck DAC combo. In other words, a comparison where both
combos are being fed a red book standard 16 bit / 44.1 kHz resolution
digital signal. How would the $300 SB3 measure up against a $3,000 CD
transport, everything else being equal.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2

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