>From JA's Stereophile review of the Squeezebox...

Sound quality 
I set up the WiFi version of the Squeezebox in my listening room,
powered by its wall-wart supply. I connected its optical S/PDIF output
with a 1.5m length of AudioQuest's OptiLink-5 quartz-fiber TosLink
cable first to my Mark Levinson No.30.6 D/A processor, then to a
Benchmark DAC 1. Sitting in my listening chair, I browsed my iTunes
library on the distant Mac using the remote's Left, Right, Up, and Down
buttons, found something I liked, and pressed Play. Music came from the
speakers, and pressing the remote's Now Playing button displayed the
song's metadata on the SB's screen. 

There was a cleanness to the sound that I didn't get from the Airport
Express's digital output feeding the same D/A. Comparing the original
CD on the Ayre C-5xe disc player, its digital output driving the
Levinson DAC via a 1m DH Labs AES/EBU link, with SlimServer feeding an
Apple Lossless–encoded file to the Squeezebox with its digital output
feeding the Levinson via the AudioQuest OptiLink-5, I was hard-pressed
to hear much of a difference. Perhaps there was an increased sense of
authority to the sound of the CD played by the Ayre used as a
transport, a better sense of extended low frequencies—but when I'm not
listening seriously, the difference is irrelevant. Even when I am
listening seriously, I have to strain to hear that difference (as long
as I'm not listening to lossy-compressed files). 

The referenced Levinson DAC was around 10K when new IIRC. The Ayre 6K.

JA also loved the combination of Squeezebox and Bel Canto DAC III @


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