bludragon;385573 Wrote: 
> DACs definately do not sound the same, and the transporter should be
> significantlty better than what you currently have.  However, you
> should be aware that the differences between DACs can actually be quite
> subtle and something you tend to notice more over a period of time
> rather than something that jumps out at you immediatly.  If there is a
> striking difference, then it is likely that one of them is doing
> something wrong.  In my opinion though, a better source is definatly
> worth persuing, as although the differences can be much more subtle
> than something like a change in speakers, over time they seem to be
> just as, if not more important, in creating an enjoyable sound.

This makes sense.  I would not expect to hear a sizeable difference but
more subtle over time as you have mentioned.  I am content with nearly
every other chain of my system, this is one last area I want to try.

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