WSLam wrote:
> Hi, just wondering if anyone can share the exact procedures in setting
> up the Effect Loop function on the Transporter? 
> I would like to try using the DAC in the Transporter while looping out
> to a Tact 2.2XP for Room Correction.

Sure, it's pretty straight-forward.

You'll need two digital interconnects - I used Balanced AES/EBU.

Connect as follows:

Transporter digital out -> FX unit digital in
FX unit digital out -> Transporter digital in

In SC, go to Settings, Player and choose Audio.

Set Effects loop input appropriately (I selected "Balanced AES/EBU").

That's it!

You can tell if it's operational by connecting a cable between 
Transporter digital in and out - if the audio stops when you pull the 
cable out, the effects loop is operational.



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