I'm as skeptical as the next person about "burn-in" in general. However
I do think that there are some exceptions that merit pointing out. One
such being Black Gate capacitors that I've used many times in DIY valve
amps as cathode bypass caps. These particular caps do appear to change
their characteristics over a period (quite a relatively long period) of
time. When first installed they sound terrible, really bad. But after 10
- 20 hours they change completely. This is not my imagination or some
sort of brain effect. You would throw the things away, if they stayed
sounding that bad! A take the point though that we're selecting a
component here where the MAIN characteristic that we want is NOT
stability as would be the case with most commercial gear but rather the
audio quality. (Which for Blackgates some love and some hate!) It's well
known in the DIY amp circles that BGs are both a blessing and a curse,
for the very reason of them taking time to "sing".

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