Mnyb;401146 Wrote: 
> Ok I have an outlier opinion here, i think the linn masters I sampled
> sound not so good at all ? they (imho) are nothing special.
> One item "Barb Jungr - Walking In The Sun" is rubbish, the sound is bad
> I see some flat tops in audacity ? But the production and artistic
> values are even more horrible.
> If I had to use the linn track's i have. I'm sure they will sound the
> same.
> I have not given up completely i might get something else from them to
> try
> (there is not many sources of 24/96 )
> Any hint of "real" artist on 24/96 not audiophile records ?
> I canot do dbx tests with you as i only have a sb3 all my hirez goes
> trough my DVD-A player.
> I do have a lot of aix disc they sound fabulous, the blues , acoustic ,
> and bluegrass records and some of the jazz stuff. their classical stuff
> is a tad lame to. most of their stuff is by "real" artist but not so
> well known.
> chesky have some good 24/96 recordings to, regarding chesky I think one
> could compare disc to disc with these. I don't think they do the
> different masters trick to fool you, but who knows ?

There is quite a bit of good classical music from Linn records.  I
bought their Bach St Matthew's Passion and Handel Messiah and they are


System 1: Transporter, Naim 202/200/Hicap/NAPSC, Harbeth Monitor 30
System 2: SB2 connected via TOSLINK to a Meridian F80
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