WhatsNext wrote:
> Robin Bowes;409580 Wrote: 
>> I don't disagree with that (even 11 months later). Deficiencies in 
>> digital sources are different than, say, speakers with a "bumpy" 
>> frequency response. They're often not immediately obvious to the 
>> listener, sometimes only becoming apparent after a longer period of 
>> listening.
> I find the differences to be more important and obvious than speaker
> differences.  If you are listening for musical performance criteria
> such as timing, pitch, vocal and instrumental delineation, and the
> ability to focus on an individual performance out of the group, then
> the difference in source (the Karik/Numerik was a source because of the
> specific clock tie-in between the components) is immediate and
> apparent.

Er, I think you'll find I'm actually agreeing with you.

>> I still maintain that the difference between Duet/SB/Transporter/Karik
>> digital sources when used with the same DAC (the Numerik, in your case)
>> will be, at best, subtle. Sure, there may (will?) be differences but,
>> as I said in my original statement, they will not be "night and day".

> My nights and days mean something different than maybe some others.

Right. To me (and I suspect most people) "night & day" suggests a very 
big difference, almost opposites, black and white, etc. etc.

 > I worry less about soundstage and speaker bumps.  I am much more
 > concerned if I can hear the way Coltrane began his entry into the
 > piece and can I follow him through as I would at a live performance.
 > A really good source frees up this level of information.  You get the
 > artist intention on how the piece was played in the hall or the studio
 > from a performace perspective.  Better amps and speakers can make this
 > clearer and more interesting, but they can't bring any more
 > information than what the source sends

I understand exactly what you mean - the ear adapts readily to a poor 
frequency response but can't handle the information loss of a poor 
digital source. Again, I agree with you.

But, it's still not "night & day" - it's fairly subtle difference, not 
even audible on some equipment and by some people.


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