darrenyeats;411775 Wrote: 
> That isn't necessarily true. A good DBT test will take any statistically
> significant groups like that and test further to check whether the
> apparent statistical significance is just chance or something real. I
> say a good DBT...
> Let's get back to the central point. Arguing about specific DBT tests
> can sometimes be a smoke screen for avoiding the central principle,
> namely the placebo effect applies to music listening. Let's have a
> debate about what (if anything) can be done to address the placebo
> effect properly and practically. But to deny the placebo effect is
> acknowledged generally, as in outside of this little audiophile world,
> as unrealistic.
> Darren


Your posts are consistently on the mark and you go out of way to put
out the flames instead of fanning them. As I stated in my prior post, I
agree that the placebo effect is real and I agree that the use of DBTs
can be helpful. I only take issue with those who claim that DBTs are
good enough to use as a single tool in making audio purchase decisions.
That's the reason that I find Stereophile's inclusion of test results as
part of an equipment review to be an important tool to be used along
with the subjective review.

darrenyeats;411778 Wrote: 
> I can see our views are not that far apart. Just kidding. :)
> Seriously, we are probably more in agreement than not. I think what is
> damaging is "fundamentalism" on either side. I would describe myself as
> a skeptical agnostic.
> "Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out." -
> Richard Feynman
> Darren

Again you are correct.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2

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