Phil Leigh;421144 Wrote: 
> However, I agree that a peak of 1 doesn't necessarily imply clipping
Quite so - plenty of (unclipped) classical CDs have an album peak of

Phil Leigh;421144 Wrote: 
> but a peak of one AND a high negative replaygain together seem to add
> up. Certainly the semi-random sample I've just examined do...
Peak=1 plus a high replaygain value is probably a warning sign as you
say, but it's not quite so simple. There are plenty of modern pop/rock
albums that are clipped to buggery but have a peak level below 1.

It's amusing to speculate why the peak level is below 1 in these cases.
Either the mastering engineer is trying to hide from the casual observer
the fact that he's perpretrated clipping (a deliberate cover-up), or
he's heard that you should leave a bit of headroom to avoid distortion
in some DACs (ironic that he should want to preserve fidelity after
completely trashing the album to start with).

I don't have any experience with this DeClip tool, but here's an
experiment worth trying. Take an album that you know is not clipped but
has a peak level of 1 and run it through the DeClip tool. Is the output
identical to the input (ie. does DeClip pass non-clipped audio through
unmolested)? If it is, then can't you just whack everything through
DeClip without first determining if it has clipping?


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