Thanks for the replies, all.  After a weekend that involved a good bit
of listening, I'm really not sure I can pick out a real difference in
sound quality between the two players.

A lot of my initial impressions before level matching them were
extremely biased by loudness.  As it turns out, the Transporter is about
1 dB louder that the SB3 at fixed output.  The CI DAC is 1.5 dB louder
than the SB3.  Both of these units sounded pronouncedly better until I
level matched them using pink noise and an SPL meter, after which they
all pretty much sounded the same.  (There's a more noticeable difference
between the CI unit and the two Slim Devices units, but it's still
pretty subtle.) 

Don't get me wrong, it sounds wonderful, and I almost wouldn't mind
buying one just to know that I have pretty darn close to the best that
money can buy (I expect there might be a few in here that will take
issue with that claim, but I'm not about to drop 5 figures on any single
piece of audio gear anytime soon).  Plus, I do enjoy its aesthetic
qualities and feature set.  That said, the SB3 comes awfully close in
terms of purely sonic performance, at least to a point where I'm pretty
sure I can't tell the difference.

I didn't get a chance to do a DBT this weekend so that is to follow
this week.  I'm willing to believe that there might be something to the
theory that audio quality past a certain point works on a pretty
subconscious level.  If I can identify the Transporter in a blind A/B
test as being better most of the time, I'm quite content to make it a
fixture in my system.

Regarding the noise that my tweeter emits from the SB3 vs the
Transporter, I did end up trying them both on RCA outs.  No major
difference between Transporter on XLR vs RCA.  Difference between the
SB3 vs Transporter as mentioned before, is very audible with my ear
against the tweeter, but as soon as I got a couple feet away, I couldn't
hear it anymore.  Note that this is at a setting 30 dB above my usual
listening volume.  So, yes, the noise floor is lower in the TP, but I'm
not convinced that it actually matters when I'm sitting 8+ feet from
each speaker.

Anyway, I have to admit I was a bit disappointed.  I was hoping the TP
would be a total knockout, but it's been a little underwhelming so far.

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