Shortly after I bought the VTL I took it back to the dealer to try it in
his system. The noise wasn't nearly as pronounced through his McIntosh
amp and B&W 800 speakers. I had to put my ear right up to the speaker
before I heard any noise. From that demo I concluded that my preamp
wasn't broken, but my system was somehow more sensitive to the noise
(possibly a low input impedance of his amp vs. my 100 KOhm amp??). In
looking for another preamp I've been shying away from tubes because of
the noise problem I'm currently having. 
Going to a dedicated stereo system is not practical in my house. But I
like the idea of trying an upgraded VTL preamp. It would tell me if I
need to just get a better quality tube preamp, or move to solid state.
>From the comments you've given me it sounds like passive preamps are not
for me. You mentioned the Ayre preamps. Can you describe their tonality
(i.e. compared with your VTL or with other solid state preamps)? The
Ayre K-xr is out of my league, but the K-5xe has a surround bypass and
is within my price range.

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