funkstar;428077 Wrote: 
> But if you were woried about that, you wouldn't be spending £18 on a
> little box from Maplin :)

Well, quite.

The full history is this (long):
I bought a new amp for my main system (Audiolab 8000P) which left me
with a spare integrated amp (old Audiolab 8000A). I had access to an old
pair of Mission 70 speakers so I thought I'd set up a low-fi system in
my 'study' using my PC to get internet radio. I thought it would be nice
to use Softsqueeze to emulate my real Squeezebox.
The problem is that the analogue audio-out from my PC is very noisy
both from the on-board audio and from the cheap PCI soundcard I bought a
few years ago.
I had a look in Maplin and saw the USB audio adaptor and thought it
might have a quieter analogue output - it doesn't! I think the noise
from the PC is finding it's way through the USB cable. Strangely, if I
plug headphones into the adaptor there is no noise.
This is the point at which I decided to get the Beresford DAC.

As it happens, the cheap PCI card I bought a few years ago has digital
out but I didn't want to use it because it has a naff GUI but I notice
it does allow the sample rate to be set to 44.1kHz.
Now whether this means there is no re-sampling of 44.1/16 audio I don't
Anyway, I'm now using this card instead of the USB adaptor. I've just
downloaded the most recent driver to see if the GUI has improved (I
doubt it).

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