Aurumer;447855 Wrote: 
> If you don't mind using your PC as a server you will be just fine with a
> wireless router (or lan cable) and a squeezebox classic or duet. I had
> this setup for over a year together with a rotel ra-06 an rcd-06. Sound
> quality of the SB classic is slight below the rcd-06 but very good.
> If you want something more, like me today, you could buy the
> transporter. The improvement in sound was very impressive with the above
> mentioned setup and will be more if you buy even better equipment in the
> future (I am going to buy a Yamaha A-S2000 or something similar the next
> days).
> You can control the music playing on your stereo with the remote
> control or with the web interface on your computer.

Could there be a problem if I have had existing Wi-Fi issues in my
home... I purchased Apple Airport Express a few months back to stream my
iTunes library of music to my Rotel Hi-Fi and it never worked
successfully. Could I have similar issues with Duet..?? Or is
Transporter really the only real viable solution ?

Thanks again for all your advice.... great to hear from fellow Rotel
users.... I love my system... but really do want to have the choice of
either listening to a new album on single CD.... or flicking through my
library at the touch of a button.


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