
I'm a lapsed (medium-fi) audiophile.  I'd achieved a stasis of
price/performance/enjoyment.  Now, however, I've discovered the wallet
threatening joys of computer based audio reproduction.

I'm looking to introduce a squeezebox into the equation, and have the
classic question:  Duet (with/without external DAC), or Transporter? 
I'm looking for quality similar to my existing setup, as I don't have
the money, commitment or hearing for anything much better.

All other things being equal, in my book less boxes/cables are better
than more.  I also want to be able to experiment with hi-res (24/96,
probably no more), and Room Correction (have been fascinated with that
since reading about the TACT Audio years ago).

Any comments/advice/recommendations/experience gratefully received.


CD - Musical Fidelity A3
Tuner - Musical Fidelity A3
Integrated amp - Musical Fidelity A300
Speakers - B&W Concept 90 CM1 & CM2
Interconnects - Van den Hul D 102 III
Speaker cable - QED Genesis Silver Spiral
Headphones - Sennheiser HD 600 & Etymotic ER-4S
Headphone amp - Meier Audio 3MOVE

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