artee wrote:
> I'm looking to introduce a squeezebox into the equation, and have the
> classic question:  Duet (with/without external DAC), or Transporter? 

Depending on when you need to buy, you should also consider the SB
Classic, or wait a couple of months for the Touch.

I think of the Classic as the entry level drug into the world of
SqueezeBox. It works, its simple, it sounds good. and its cheap.

The Duet is a bit trickier for some folks to get setup. It has the
advantage of the Controller, which is cool.

>   I also want to be able to experiment with hi-res (24/96,
> probably no more), and Room Correction (have been fascinated with that
> since reading about the TACT Audio years ago).

If you really need 24/96 then you need TP, or the future Touch, I forget
whether the other models feed a DAC. But thinking DAC starts you into
more expensive territory right away.

When I got my first SqueezeBox, I found that I spent a lot more money on
CDs. A lot.

So my advice is start small, get more. So far, I've got

three SB, Transporter, Duet, Boom and a beta Touch

Pat Farrell

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