ccrome2 wrote:
> The channel separation is only specified as '> 80dB @ 1kHz', 

Granted, it would be better to say that the spec is greater than 80dB
20-20kHz, but in practice, there is little difference between 80 and 90
dB of channel separation. Nearly no real recordings use that much
channel separation, in any stereo recording, there is much more than
that much bleed from one mic to the next.

There are times when audiophiles focus too much on specs that have no
relationship to music.

The TP's 120dB of signal is unusable, no listening room is dead silent,
and if you claim that the room is 30dB (not likely) then you would have
to have the max output at 150dB, well past permanent damage to your ears.

Pat Farrell

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