ralphpnj;473473 Wrote: 
> Quick question:
> Since it appears that you are familiar with and have actually
> read/followed the musings of the Computer Audiophile, what the hack are
> doing asking questions on this forum about the lowly "mid-fi" SqueezeBox
> products? Doesn't iTunes and the Airport Express do it all?

Actually the only question I posed was whether anyone knew if Logitech
had plans to upgrade the Transporter to handle 24/192 files. I figured
this was the appropriate forum to ask the question. Perhaps I made a

For what it's worth, I find the Transporter to be an excellent server
and use it to send its digital output to an outboard dac. My own model
is a modwright transporter with a wonderful tube/analog output section.
If it could handle 24/192 files, IMHO it would be an excellent
alternative to other high resolution music server solutions that are
being proposed. That is all. 

The argument, and one which I do not wish to engage in, is whether you
believe that the ability of a serve to output 24/192 digital files, or
anything higher than 24/96, is relevant or not to the music listening
experience. You seem to suggest that there are clearly better forums for
that. However, I did not raise that question. Someone else did.

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