iPhone;449352 Wrote: 
> Hello and welcome to the Forum.
> If I owned your setup and had the money, I would get a good used high
> current amp off of Audiogon first. From my experience with the Kappa 9s,
> they need a bunch of current to be happy and to produce good image and
> soundstage. I would spend the next money on a Transporter to drive the
> new amp especially if I could due without a pre-amp anymore (IE just
> play music off the server to the Transporter). This would be the
> simplest setup.

iPhone - Thank you for the advice a while back. I did pay heed. I have
updated my system with both a transporter and a Parasound A21 which I
did buy off Audiogon. Running the Transporter directly into the amp (no

As you had anticipated the Amp made a bigger improvement than the
transporter. The transporter was certainly a noticeable improvement. But
the Amp. Oh boy am I happy. That amp just makes the speakers sound like
I knew they should. 

I was considering leaving the Onkyo in on the top end (bi-amped), but
hearing the difference with the new Parasound, just by itself, I just
can do it (the Onkyo unfortunately is crap). So maybe I will get another
Parasound A21 to bi-amp, or some Parasound JC-1's for the bottom. Or
maybe a Bryston 2B to drive the top. Just thinking.

Either way, the amp completely transformed the system. The bass has
authority, mid bass is now present on instruments like bass cellos
(where there was none), and gone is the screechy, piercing highs that
grated on my nerves. Even the wife was very pleased, which REALLY means
it is noticeable.

How much more improvement will a 2nd Amp make bi-amping the speakers? I
do like listening at higher volumes.

Any suggestions, or thoughts from anyone?

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