If you look earlier in this thread I used a spectrum analyzer to measure
the clock going into the DAC chip on a Touch. This doesn't directly
measure the jitter, it measures the sidebands caused by the jitter. I
could not discern any difference between decoding PCM or FLAC in the
Touch. This jitter on this clock was so low the sidebands were below the
noise floor of the spectrum analyzer. There might be differences in the
sidebands, but the tool I have is not sufficient to measure it. There
are tools that are better than this and might be better able to see it
but they are VERY expensive and WAY WAY outside of what I can afford!
(this was a 30K analyzer that I found used on ebay for $900, its rather
rare to find 100K ones like that!) 

And yes there is a reclocking flop for the clock that goes into the DAC
and and a flop for the S/PDIF stream. I was measuring the DAC clock
after the reclocking flop. 

I think its interesting to note that I DID see significant sidebands on
the DAC clock when the headphones were plugged in, which does seem to
show that different electrical loads on the board CAN affect the jitter
of the clock. 

John S.

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