Here's what I found:

First, Multi Library doesn't seem to do the trick, at least without
creating an entire new library.

Custom Browse does indeed list the tracks by bit rate, but I can't
figure out how to get it to put names along with the bit rate so you end
up with something like what's seen in the image below.

One of Erland's other plugins "Playlist Generator" may be just what I'm
looking for if I can find the right SQL string to add to it's
customization screen.  As it is, it will generate a playlist based on
included & excluded artists, included & excluded genres, & a user
defined amount of tracks.  Now if I can specify bit rate of 24, or
define a parameter so it returns tracks which have a bit rate greater
than X amount, I think I'd have just what I'm looking for.

My hope was to find a plugin that gave a list of artists or albums with
specific (or greater) bit rate, but this seems close enough.

Thanks for all of the input.

|Filename: Screen shot 2010-01-07 at 1.42.28 PM.jpg                 |


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