On 19/01/10 21:51, kphinney wrote:
> Robin Bowes;508260 Wrote: 
>> On 19/01/10 21:16, matka wrote:
>>> Why flac ? - very simple, the sound quality question is no longer
>>> relevant and also all my music is in flac. I don't want to transcode.
>> Really, flac for your stated use case is total overkill. You're just
>> making your life harder for zero benefit. Transcoding is easy [1]. The
>> smaller file sizes of even high bit-rate lossy format means that
>> copying
>> to the device takes less time, and you can store many more tracks
>> (typically, 8-10x the number of flacs).
>> R.
>> [1] http://projects.robinbowes.com/flac2mp3
> He said he didn't want to transcode.  End of story.

It's a free country [2] so the OP can of course do whatever they see
fit. I'm merely pointing out the drawbacks to that approach.

You get:

1. less player choice, not as many players support flac vs. lossy formats
2. less music on the player - flac is bigger, so less tracks
3. longer time to copy to the device (because the files are bigger)
4. No discernable difference in audio quality - when listening on a
train with headphones

The only benefit seems to be that you don't have to transcode, which
I've already pointed out is easy [1]. Oh, and you save a bit on disk
space since the mp3 copy of your library takes up a certain amount of space.

> Transcoding itself
> is easy, but it's a pain in the @ss just the same.  You need to have a
> FLAC library, keep it separate from the MP3 library, then devise
> creative ways to manage, compare, and update each library.

See [1].

> I travel with FLAC, I sync with FLAC, and I'm slowly getting grid of
> the residual mp3s left from the early days.  Why would one want to step
> backward?

To take more music with you when you travel? I can fit my entire library
on a 500GB drive in MP3 format, but it takes up much more space in FLAC

> As for storing more tracks, you are obviously wrong, if he doesn't wish
> to delete his FLAC library: FLAC alone < FLAC + MP3.

Obviously, I meant you can store many more tracks on the portable device.


[2] My country = UK.
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