On 02/02/10 00:31, earwaxer wrote:
> Robin Bowes;512549 Wrote: 
>> On 31/01/10 18:49, earwaxer wrote:
>>> I gave the cable another go. Yes there was a volume difference,
>> If there really is a volume difference between wired and wireless then
>> they *must* be using a different profile on SBS, IMHO.
>> What network topology are you using?
>> Does the Transporter get a different IP address when connected wired
>> vs.
>> wireless?
>> R.
> I use a new draft N router, and it does use the same IP address in
> wired and wireless.

So, your Transporter is either connected wirelessly or via a wire to the
same router, and gets the same IP address in both case?

> I knew this was going to get the "techno boinks" dander up!

I'm really glad you think that having a technical understanding of
electroacoustic phenomena is worthy of mockery. Just think how much
richer your life would be if those troublesome "techno boinks" Dean &
Sean hadn't designed and built the Slim Devices range.

Regardless, what you've stated does not make sense - specifically, a
wired and wireless connection will have the same volume level, all other
things being equal. The fact that you reporting that there *is* a volume
difference suggests that something else is different between the wired &
wireless configurations. And, as Themis has already pointed out, if
there's a volume difference then all bets are off - the louder one will
always sound better.

You will notice I am not stating that there isn't or can't be a
difference in sound between a wired and wireless connection [1] but
rather that the fact that you are observing a difference in volume level
suggests that something else is at play here.

BTW, did you *measure* the volume difference (eg. 1khz sine wave and a
voltmeter) ?


[1] I personally can't hear one.
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