
There is a paper around (to which I have lost the link) that examines
how S/PDIF clock recovery operates when the input circuity has limited
bandwidth (as all real world circuits do).  One of the results of the
analyis is that the jitter of the recovered clock is indeed correlated
to the data on the link.  As far as I can remember the reasoning, with
non-zero risetimes, The biphase mark encoding of the SPDIF transmission
process causes 1s to be detected at a slightly different point to 0s.

The most compelling part of the analysis was that the program material
was clearly audiable on the PLL loop control voltage.  The implication
being that code correlated phase jitter on the SPDIF datastream was
being 'demodulated' by the PLL.  The authors speculated that jitter
correlated to program material was likely to be more audiable than
random jitter.


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