pski wrote:
> Can I trust the instructions to connect RCA to balanced inputs on my
> various amps like the attached PDF from JBL?

Why would you do that? If you want balanced, you should have gear with
balanced connections and use proper balanced cables and connectors.

There is a reason that the JBL amp uses XLR connectors.

> I also used ferrite at the ends of line-level-to-line-level wires. It
> helped hum but otherwise was the signal involved?

Thats just another hack. You are putting a filter for some frequencies
on the line. If its a 50 or 60 Hz hum, and you cut it, you are cutting
all the frequencies within an octave or so around 50/60. And most cheap
filters simply are high pass, so they kill everything below 50, or maybe
80 hZ. Not what one wants for audiophile listening.

RCA connections were used in early HiFi (pre-stereo) because the EE's
who went to college on the GI bill in the early 50s had access to a lot
of war surplus gear with RCA connections. They were cheap and adequate
for the time. Its not like they are actually a good connection.

Pat Farrell

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