michael123 wrote:
> ..that attenuating signal digitally in Transporter to, say, 60% will
> sound much worse ...

Change your argument's example to 50% to make the math easy, and you are
talking about removing one bit of data, is a tad over 6.02 dB.

It is possible that if the digital attenuation is done without any
dithering, it could sound worse by some metric.

If you think that is "much worse" then you have some amazing golden ears.

>...than using quality analog preamp (like mine audiolab
> 8000AP via bypass 0.005% THD, 110db or Octave I am using now instead
> with flat FR from DC to 200KHz)

So, we are supposed to be impressed that a preamp is flat from 40kHz to
light? There is nearly zero musical information over 20kHz in any
recording medium. The mics and studio preamps don't record over 20kHz.
Even if they did, there is no way that there is any musical content over
40kHz. None.

Sony's DSD has serious noise shaping changing the signal in the 35kHz an
up range.

If you love it, fine. but don't pretend that its anything humans or even
dogs could hear.

Pat Farrell

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