On 03/05/10 00:39, mswlogo wrote:
> In the correction I said your not actually getting more dynamic range
> but your better fitting the data to the window of dynamic range you
> have by letting it clip a little.

Yes, so you're actually *reducing* dynamic range.

> If folks are using "The Knob" I highly doubt many use it from strickly
> at the top end. They either think it is safe to use for like 30dB or
> not. I swing my analog easily 30dB and if folks do that digitally they
> are killing the quality of the audio. Then folks jumped in saying you
> won't hear the loss at low levels (B.S.). Granted there might be VERY
> few that have matched there analog gain such that they stay in the top
> 10dB (digitally). But I suspect that is extremely rare.

I think you'd be surprised - it's actually a well-known and understood
issue. There are a couple of pages on the Slim Devices wiki:


and a set of test results someone performed:


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