Mnyb;543332 Wrote: 
> You have "to get used to" the new sound use it (or any component) for a
> week or two then compare.
> The Brain is remarkable you get somehow "conditioned" to the system you
> use every day.

I understand what you're saying, and in theory, I tend to agree. My
only reservation is this: previously, when I would upgrade a component
in my audio chain, the improvements would invariably be overwhelming on
all accounts. Like when I switched form CD player to Logitech Squeezebox
Duet, it was a thumbs up improvement all the way, even before any burn
in occurred.

This is the first time ever that, after springing for an upgrade, I am
of a divided mind -- some improvements that Caiman brings I simply love
and couldn't live without, some I am upset about (like, the muffled,
rolled off highs).

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