There seems to have been some serious thread creep here.

At the risk of going back to the original topic, I took the top off an
old meridian CD player to see what sort of job it would be to intercept
the S/PDIF signal chain. Multlayer PCB, tiny components, the chance of
cutting a single track and connecting in an RC network is zero.

However, it should be a simple matter to place an RC filter in-line in
the coax S/PDIF signal between a source and a DAC. My current DAC
pupports to have fancy anti jitter technology, but as far as I am aware
the transporter has none. By connecting the meridian CD player to the TP
digital in, intercepting the signal path with an RC filer and making R
variable, I should be able to adjust the amount of jitter introduced
into the circuit. 

I will let you know how I get on.


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