pski;554803 Wrote: 
> So: connecting a SB receiver (or other boxen) via spdif (or USB for that
> matter.)
> Is there really a difference between winders and OSX?
> I understand codecs and drivers are different but can someone explain
> the seeming (local) bias against winders vs apple (with respect to "bit
> perfect?)
> What about these little (and $400) gizmos that are claimed to correct
> the "clocking" of winders/OSX USB and convert to coax optical out?
> Duh? I'm puzzled. Mostly I'm looking at a PS Audio Digital III.. USB
> output from the computer vs spdif from the SB receiver. Outputs will be
> balanced through the preamp to the power amps. Wouldn't this box also
> properly frame the digital input?
> Paul

They can all be "bit-perfect" if setup correctly. Both OS's have had
issues over the years and ways to address them. Not all sound cards are
bit-perfect basically because of poor driver support.

The whole reclocking over USB is a joke. USB is TWO-WAY so any USB
device should not have jitter issues getting out to that device. Jitter
comes in when it's converted to SPDIF because it's ONE-WAY communciation
and therefore it's more complicated to buffer and synchromize clocks
because you can't control the dataflow rate. A USB device is no
different than WIFI, LAN, or PCI. They will all send the data to a
buffer to be clocked out over SPDIF.

One problem on Macs I recall though is it was not easy to get "iTunes"
to track the data rate of the source file your playing. You had to set
the output clock rate and if it matched the source you were all set.
But if it didn't it would resample. This may have changed since I last
looked at it.

Another area that I think Windows has a slight edge is the choice of
very good ripping software EAC and dbpoweramp with AccurateRip. I don't
think accurate rip is available on Macs yet but I read it was being
requested of the popular ripping tools.

On Macs don't use iTunes to Rip and Likewise don't use Windows Media
Player to Rip. There are better tools out there.


XP > Cat5 > Transporter/DuetController > SPDIF > Meridian G68 > DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian DSP5000
XP > Cat5 > DuetReceiver > SPDIF > Meridian G91 > DSP5000

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