ste1;555590 Wrote: 
> Any ideas on why there would be a difference? My hypothesis include:
> Touch powering the harddrive introduces jitter/interference - or - 
> Touch powering the harddrive reduced current to the sp/dif output whic
> hdoes something - or -
> The proximity of a HDD emitting RFI is effecting something else in my
> system
Two other possibilities occur to me:

1. Ambient noise level of the spinning USB hard disk is degrading the
listening environment. (This would only be a possibility if your SB
server is in another room or is significantly quieter than the USB disk
at your listening position).
2. Maybe you could simply be expecting a difference and therefore
hearing one. The fact that you say you were hoping the USB setup would
be better doesn't change the fact that sighted comparisons are
vulnerable to expectation bias.


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