Gazjam;557346 Wrote: 
> For instance, the Touch's digital output was fed in to the Transporters
> Dac by a SPDIF cable, whereras the Transporter did not have that
> potential "disadvantage" - short signal paths and the elimination of
> SPDIF interfaces all make a difference you know..


The only fair way to compare them, is to connect both Touch and
Transporter to some separate DAC.

Even coax cables can sound different.

I can not agree with some of your observations.
Touch's bass is not boomy over SPDIF. Quite the opposite!
I got much better defined (and even leaner) bass with Touch.
I have really big speakers (refurbished vintage Acoustic Research
AR-90) and they can sound boomy if something is not set right.
And inexistent stereo separation? I didn't notice anything like that.

Together with some friends, we compared Touch and Audiolab 8000CDM
dedicated CD transport. 
They were feeding an old Wadia Digimaster X-32 DAC.
The Touch was much better in role of digital transport.

Also, that Wadia is known to be very selective regarding quality of
transport feeding it.
If transport is not of the highest quality it completely refuses to
lock to the signal:

> There have, however, been some problems in the field because of this
> circuit. Many people bought X-32s only to discover that they would not
> lock to their CD players' digital outputs. According to Wadia, the
> problem lies in CD players that do not meet the EIAJ specification for
> clock frequency accuracy and clock jitter. To be classified as "Level
> 1: High Accuracy," the source clock's jitter must be less than 20
> nanoseconds (20ns or 0.00000002s), measured at the half-voltage points.
> If the CD player or DAT machine's digital output doesn't meet this
> criterion (with an additional tolerance of ±50%), the X-32 will reject
> the signal. 

So this alone, tells a lot about quality about Touch's SPDIF output
Wadia locked to its signal without any problems and this was not the
case with some other transports that it's owner had tried previously.


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