JezA;558921 Wrote: 
> NAIM equipment is, apparently, very sensitive to mains quality and
> mechanical vibration - NAIM themselves sell mains leads for several
> hundred pounds a time, and similarly priced shelves, which, so they
> claim, improve sound quality. If that is true, then it may well be that
> your NAIM equimpment is sensitive to noise from (say) the switching
> power suppy on your hard drive, or mechanical noise, or RF - who knows.
> So even if you do hear a difference between the servers the reason for
> that difference may lie in the susceptibility of your NAIM gear to
> extraneous factors, rather than some inherent property of how you are
> getting a digital out. Try playing music from another source through
> your NAIM kit with the HDD on and close or off to see whether the NAIM
> is sensitive to some aspect of the HDD, and do the same with the Touch.

Yes, Naim can be quite fussy but no space for dedicated hi-fi rack
sadly. try moving the HDD away when I get hold of a lonfer USB2 cable

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