I reconfigured my set-up yesterday:

Moved Squeezebox Touch physically away from on top of dac/amp to floor
(1m away)
Switched from 75 ohm coax to glass-fibre optical conection between
touch and dac
Switcehd source from HDD to PC (ethernet)
Set flac to convert to PCM on PC
Disconnented HDD and coax cable

The above has resulted in an immediate and dramatic improvement in SQ.

If I had to apportion credit it would be 
1) change to PC via ethernet(streaming PCM) - 70%
2) change from coax to glass toslink as the key - 30%

I know the golden rule of testing is to swap one thing at a time so
sadly can't be definitive on the above.

The biggest surprise was changing from coax to toslink. I always
thought that coax was supposed to be the better connection and my prior
experience of budget plastic toslink backed this up. However switching
from an expensive shileded 75ohm coax to a decent glass-core toslink
yielded less grain and quiter background. a pleasant surprise. 

Maybe the squeezebox touch transmit more noise / interference that it's
digital outputs as oppossed to a high quality CD player for instance???

ste1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=23522
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79770

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