richardw;560907 Wrote: 
> I have never had a device impact my audio setup the way the TP has. I am
> astounded at the quality of my digital playback and find the interface
> to be as valuable as the device itself. I'm always researching possible
> changes in amplifier, speakers, cables, power products etc but don't
> even consider changing sources. This is rare for me! It's just
> interesting to me that even at the end of it's product cycle, there
> really is not another piece that can come close to bettering it out
> there. I guess the next step may be what you eluded to in your post...a
> device such as the Highface going direct from a computer to my Berkeley.
> I'd lose the interface, convenience and wireless capability but may pick
> up some better sound and high rez capability.

Indeed, I am not thinking about replacing my (albeit modded)
And Squeezebox Server, even though being VERY slow and lacking in
features (search bother me in particular), still is much better than
anything else.. 

I disagree with previous poster regarding complexity: I can actually
use (and I did!) with simple crossover cable direct to my laptop
without switch, internet, router.. 5 minutes to setup, browser-based
interface, what could be easier?

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