Here's what I do and why.  

First Why
- I want to have only one copy of any track in my SB library.
- I want the highest resolution copy in the SB library.
- I want to keep all mp3's (even when a flac version exists) for my

What I do:

/mp3/<dupes live here>
/flac/000-mp3/<no-flac-version mp3's live here>

So the Squeeze scanner process is pointed at /flac.
Inside /flac is a directory called /flac/000-mp3, which contains all
the of the mp3 files that do not have a flac equivalent.  The Squeeze
scanner will pick these up and add them to the library.

Outside of the flac tree I have another folder called /mp3.  When I get
the flac version of a given track, I move the mp3 copy out of
/flac/000-mp3 tree into the /mp3 tree which saves it so I can copy to
my portable if I want.

And the mp3 version gets removed from the SB library on the next
nightly "full scan".

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