soundcheck;570485 Wrote: 
> It took you a while to come up with this feedback. ;)

Sorry - I forgot.
soundcheck;570485 Wrote: 
> Anyhow. It might shows that your TACT and/or the rest of your system is
> either that good or even that low-level that the changes are not audible
> to you.

It might - Or it might equally show they have no effect... let's have
some  logic applied to this. 

soundcheck;570485 Wrote: 
> In fact there are only very few DAC systems I am aware of out there
> which manage to decouple quite good from a PC or Touch. It usually
> requires galvanic isolation and serious buffering, reclocking or jitter
> suppression on the receiver side. Those systems become pretty immune
> against incoming distortions. 
> This is actually one reason why the Touch is pretty immune against
> distortions generated by the server. 
> Unfortunately they made the Touch a PC again. All those decoupling
> advantages which we could experience on a DUET were again eliminated on
> the Touch by introducing that Linux-OS, monitor asf. Not to forget we
> still face poor ethernet-groundloops on Duet and Touch - which should
> be avoided in any case. Logitech should have just chosen a different
> ethernet jack respectively implementation to stay away from the dirty
> network ground.
> ...

Not sure what you are saying here - unshielded cat 5/6 is galvanically
isolated - each end  of the twisted pair terminates in the primary of a
transformer. There's no continuity on my system between the PC
earth/groundplane and the groundplane of my Touch, connected via
unshielded cat 5 to router and then to PC. 
soundcheck;570485 Wrote: 
> And finally - To be honest - I never expected that -- especially you --
> would hear a difference. ;) 
Why "especially me"? - Is it because I don't trust my own ears/brain,
or yours or any other so-called expert?. Thats why I use ADM. It's

I haven't tested your claims with ADM - only by listening. I will
though, when I get time. And before anyone reels off the usual excuses
as to why ADM won't work:

1) Soundcard not sensitive enought - nonsense, it's more resolving than
the majority of soundcards/adc's used to digitise the things in the
first place! (Sony pcm f1 anyone?)

2) The software doesn't work / isn't accurate - demonstrably untrue,
can be proven in 5 minutes using a control test.

3) The differences are more than 100dB down but still easily audible to
humans... well, for uncorrelated artefacts such as jitter that's true.
We are very sensitive to uncorrelated distortions. Correlated
distortions are altogether different. The vast majority of people
cannot detect a slight change (+/- 1dB) in frequency response or even
quite high doses of even order harmonic distortion... There's lots of
well-researched material published about this.

There are many peoples ears that I do trust - and they are all
musicians. None of them make, sell or review audio equipment.

soundcheck;570485 Wrote: 
> The interesting thing though, the vast majority of feedback I am
> getting pretty much confirms what I am claiming/promise to happen. 
I'm sure you appreciate that doesn't actually make it true...

I'm happy to be different. :-)

When I get time I'll do the adm tests and let's see what happens.

Thanks for suggesting these things and triggering the debate. Let's see
if it leads anywhere.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio
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