I've already posted my thoughts on this subject back towards the
beginning of this thread but I'll restate them here.

It seems to me there are two parts to this debate: 1, can people hear
it. 2, is there a measurable mechanism that can account for it. 

In regards to 1:

I CAN hear a definite difference between decoding FLAC and PCM on the
Touch through its analog outs. I HAVE done blind tests and can still
detect the difference. Some people have chimed up and said that these
are scientifically useless tests and are thus meaningless. To which I
say, please post an officially sanctioned protocol that IS valid and I
will be glad to take part. I am NOT an expert at such testing and don't
know what constitutes an acceptable test. It seems to me that the people
that insist on such tests are the ones that are responsible for
providing the terms of such a test. Where are they?

On 2, one possible mechanism is jitter feeding the DAC chip. I do have
some equipment that can be used to measure jitter, but its not super
sensitive. The jitter in the Touch is just below the level of what my
equipment can measure. With this setup I cannot measure a difference
between FLAC and PCM decode, but that is not conclusive. I need a more
sensitive jitter analyzer for this test. When headphones are plugged
into the Touch I CAN see an increase in jitter above the threshold of
my equipment, so it IS possible for the jitter to change in the Touch.
(it doesn't mean decoder differences affect jitter, but it does say
that something going on inside the Touch can change the jitter)

There are much more sensitive jitter analyzers, but they cost $35K to
$50K and I can't afford that. If anyone wants to donate to the cause I
will be glad to accept a donation or loan of such an instrument to make
the tests. 

Another test being performed is Audio Diffmaker. This sounds like it
should be a perfect test. The problem I have is that the AD converters
being used for the testing have several times the jitter of the Touch.
How can you hope to make a valid test of the affect of a small jitter
change on a waveform when what you are using to sample that waveform
has jitter 10 times greater than the what you are trying to measure? If
someone has an AD converter with a 10ps jitter or less sampling clock
that would be a MUCH better instrument to use. I could build one, but
again that takes money I don't have. 

So there you have my stand, I'm convinced that I can hear the
difference between FLAC and PCM decoded on the Touch (via wired
ethernet) on the analog outputs. As of this time I have not been able
to measure anything electrical that could be causing this. BUT I don't
think I have the proper test equipment to to do a decent job of
measuring it if it does exist. 

John S.

JohnSwenson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5974
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71321

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