You actually don't have to measure to use a scientific method.

You can use the ab or abx test methods to eliminate human bias

Combined with and before and after test, Ei in some way test an
amplifier by scaling its output back to an input on known good test
system and listen to music before and after the tested component to
test if you even can hear any difference at all when switching between
(totally ott for home users but why not the magazines )

The point is to weed out obvious voodo, to benefit real development in
hifi .

I just don't like that anything goes attitude mpingo disks and shakti
heck why not a slice of bacon on the cd player

Yeah everybody remembers the thd wars in the seventies, bad
measurements and a focus on one of a dozens of important parameters
don't makes measuring bad. They just get meaningless, but just in
another way than the random listening and musings about a product .

The test method of sighted listening at a product sure produces
different results for each product, but the data is meaningless no one
can discern the facts from human bias and other uncontrolled factors.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 and assorted amps
SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4 Contour Center,
and Contour 1.3SE for the rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this
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