Phil Leigh;574340 Wrote: 
> Well there are some fairly heavyweight "philosophers" who basically
> agree with that ad absurdio argument

I didn't mean to take it to that extreme, just that there are fields
like psychology where most knowledge has resulted solely from human
observation until fairly recently.  I guess some of the people on here
would say that because human observation was involved there was simply
no point in pursuing these fields at all or that we should not believe
a single accepted idea from those fields now.  :)

Anyway, this could go on and on, but just let me finish this by
describing the results of my latest subjective listening tests.  I
recently got a Touch and then bought a new DAC, and I did this to a
large extent to be able to play 96/24 material.  So now I have been
conducting listening tests with 96/24 and 44/16 versions of some
tracks.  So let's go over my supposed biases: (1) bought Touch and DAC
specifically to be able to play hi-res material; (2) hi-res material is
much "better" than CD quality with larger word size and sampling rate;
(3) hi-res material is more expensive; (4) I want my system to be able
to resolve the differences that must exist; (5) I want my ears to be
able to hear these differences.  Geez!  That is quite a list of reasons
for me to be biased to hear differences.  Looks like pretty much a slam
dunk if you are to believe people like Dan, with his loony audiophile
straw man.  And yet...I do not reliably hear a difference in sound
quality that I can ascribe to the hi-res tracks.  Wait, what???  How on
earth could I have reached that conclusion with so very many factors
biasing me to conclude the opposite????  How indeed!

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