gungrog;574587 Wrote: 
> There ARE audible differences between (some, not all) cables, both
> speaker & interconnect. Often very subtle, and usually impossible to
> get a consensus between listeners as to which was 'better'
> :-)

ncarver;574827 Wrote: 
> Deciding whether a component improves your sound quality and musical
> enjoyment should be a secondary question--after you have established
> that you can reliably hear a difference that you can characterize. 
> This is the part of subjective listening where listeners most often
> disagree.  

I liked both of these comments as related to one central point that I
think many of us "audiophiles" overlook from time to time (being
gracious here, because I really feel like many of us overlook this
point entirely): We need to focus on SPECIFICALLY what it is we dont
like about our "system" sound, BEFORE we go "fixing" it! Many times we
shoot in the dark for a "fix". "I need a new amp", "I need a new DAC",
etc, etc. This is wrong. And just as wrong is the idea that we can make
"large" fixes with cables.

We need to stay focused on the basics: Harsh sound - look at
electronics, crappy wires/connections in the signal path. Lack of
depth/soundstage/timber - look at timing/jitter, power and power
supply, electronics or tubes, speaker variables (crossovers). Just
examples here, and the list of fixes is endless and very individual
according to each set up. The important point is that a "warm" tube amp
will benefit a "clinical" sounding system that is in other ways very
good! Similar logic applies to other components. 

All of the above make a "difference" - We, as "audiophiles" appear less
"crazy" and ultimately are more satisfied listeners and hobbyists if we
take a more focused approach. That doesnt mean we go back to the days
of THD! No thanks! Been there done that. I go with the "subjective"
approach from discussions like these and reviews from others like


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.
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