firedog;579907 Wrote: 
> Just listen. Lots of hi- res releases are transcribed from vinyl. And
> lots of "old" recordings were very good recordings, and the digital
> transcriptions sound great and are more revealing than the original.
> BTW, the Kinks record I referred to is from the 70's, but is inferior
> in recording quality to the Coltrane recording. So judging something
> strictly on the age isn't worth much.
> "Dynamics" mean several things, you referred to one. That's only one of
> the advantages of 24/96 recordings. And yes, you can hear the
> differences when listening to a jazz quartet on my miserable little 2
> way  floorstanders.
> Again, just listen. Throw out all the numbers you want at me, some of
> the hi-res transcriptions sound fantastic. I even pointed out specific
> aspects of a 24/44.1 recording that are superior to the redbook
> version. Since the Beatles remasters were also transcribed from tape
> and are also from the same time period as "A Love Supreme", I guess
> they can't sound better, either.
> And no, I didn't "properly downsample" it to compare. Why would I? If
> you want to do that, spend your time doing it. I listened to the two
> versions and can hear differences.
> And finally: don't write, listen. I always love it on these forums when
> people make such strong statements about a topic that involves LISTENING
> to something, when they haven't done the listening.

Great post Mr. Dog - I completely agree. Some of the best sounding
recordings and records are from the earliest days of the stereo LP,
such as the Mercury Living Presence series. Sure some of these
recordings feature levels of hiss which are quite audible but that
doesn't matter because the clarity and presence on these old recordings
is rarely matched by today's hyper clean and quiet but lifeless digital
recordings, whether those new recordings are high resolution, CD
resolution or compressed mp3.

A good sounding recording is much more than just bit depth, sampling
rate and dynamic range - it's about things like presence, performance
and presentation but most of all it's about how it makes you feel. And
remember no amount of post recording processing is going to "fix" a
poor recording.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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