Robin Bowes;581981 Wrote: 
> That's not so. I recall a test in some photography magazine where they
> took two pictures of the same subject with essentially the same
> camera,
> except one had a digital body, the other was (high quality) film. They
> then blew up both photos very large. The digital one was far better.
> It
> had better colour balance and better resolution.

Photography is meant to be enjoyed by people, not blown up to a very
large size and then analyzed. Such experiment is at best geeky and thus

You can compare for yourself. Take a fancy digital camera, the fanciest
one there is (let's say something with 20,000+ pixels that retails for
$10,000.00+). Go to a park, preferably on a late sunny
afternoon/evening, and find a spot where the sun rays are shining
through leafy trees. Face the sunny rays so that your eyes squint, and
take a snapshot with the digital camera, and then from the same spot
take a snapshot with a film camera. 

Compare the prints -- you'll see that film is way superior in retaining
the extremes between bright light and shadows. Digital cannot come even
close at handling such heavy and demanding contrast. Thus digital is
clearly inferior to film.

Similar reasoning goes for digital sound vs analog.

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