Gazjam;582245 Wrote: 
> Sorry, but after reading that and some other posts elsewhere I call
> bullshit.
> Knock yourself out buddy, but as we all hear diffrently and our brains
> work differently nobody can come on and speak for anyone else other
> than themselves.

You asked:  "They sounded exactly the same to you I take it?"  
I replied: "...playing music while functioning properly, yes, they all
sound identical."

How do you get from that me speaking for anyone else?  I'm answering
your question, which was specifically how they sound to me.

> I've noticed your one for sweeping generalisations, quoting "in your
> experience" as a way of ratifying your corrections of other people.

My "sweeping generalisations" were several specific examples of my own
tests, including two that actually -did- sound different?

> Hows this for one?
> Theres something wrong with your ears or your just enjoying yourself
> too much on Hifi forums.

The last time my hearing was tested it was above normal for my age (mid
30s).  I've always been able to hear the noise CRT TV sets make (that's
around 15kHz at a fairly low volume), which few other people seem to be
able to, and I played music (mostly classical and jazz) regularly from
age 4 until my mid-20s.

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