Phil Leigh;582188 Wrote: 
> Yeah - thanks for that sweeping generalization coupled with personal
> insult - I always love a constructive debate.
> Enjoy your (hideously overpriced and often unexceptional) artesan
> loaf/vinyl.
> Don't presume to know me. Breadmakers can make perfectly fine dough.
> It's what you do next that counts.

May I remind you that this discussion thread is not about me, it's
about the sound quality. Forget about my personality quirks and
foibles, and focus on examining the factors that contribute to the
heightened experience of the sound quality. Why toss the baby out with
the bath water? Why not look more closely at what's going on? Not
everything in life is measurable, especially when we're talking about
such subtle things as the art of sound.

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