On 12/10/10 19:13, magiccarpetride wrote:
> Kal Rubinson;582218 Wrote: 
>> You can fling as many analogies as you like; they prove nothing.  You
>> like that "kind" of sound and that's OK.
> I'm not trying to prove anything. Music and the art of sound is not
> science, so there's nothing to prove. It's merely an art form, devised
> for our enjoyment.

You can't lump "music" and audio reproduction together. Music is indeed
an art form, that we all enjoy. However, hudio reproduction is an
engineering discipline, based largely on science.

> Music and sound are also not sporting disciplines, so no one wins or
> loses in the end. There is nothing measurable about it, there's only a
> subjective experience of growing pleasure that one gets as one learns
> how to improve one's audio chain.

I disagree that there is "nothing measurable about it"; there is
actually a lot about sound and audio reproduction that is measurable.
However, I don't believe measurement is everything. I agree with the
rest of what you say here.


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