On 27/10/10 20:53, magiccarpetride wrote:

> Something sounding better and me actually preferring it are not
> necessarily one and the same thing. I thought I've made that amply
> clear in my previous elaboration.

Now you're just trolling. I defy you to find *anyone* who would read "I
promise you, you'll be shocked and enthralled at how much better the
hi-rez music sounds" and interpret it as preferring the redbook  version.

Please note that we're not trying to tell you how to enjoy listening to
music, we're just pointing out that some of the reasons you enjoy it are
not what you think they are!

I can't speak for others but I'm personally perfectly relaxed and enjoy
my listening experiences, and I'm glad you enjoy yours.


"Feed that ego and you starve the soul" - Colonel J.D. Wilkes
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